Buzz, buzz, buzz! Or should we say, all hail the Antler Queen? Because we are hailing. We’ve waited patiently, and, finally, Yellowjackets season two has released its first trailer. After watching this teaser trailer, we can safely say we could not be more excited for the season to hurry up and get here already. From more mysterious adventures in the woods to all the modern-day dangers that await our favorite ladies to new season two characters we can’t wait to meet, it looks like Yellowjackets‘ next season will have it all.
We last left our ladies in some tough spots. In the 1996 storyline, Jackie met a frosty end while Lottie made a play for power. In the present day, Shauna has killed her lover, Taissa may or may not be possessed, and Natalie has been kidnapped by a mysterious cult that seems to link to adult Lottie. Misty, of course, has successfully managed to get her way across the board. But it doesn’t seem like things are about to get a whole lot better for them any time soon. But they are going to get more… delicious, at least for us viewers. As the Yellowjackets season two trailer hints, the girls weren’t alone out there and it seems like something may have followed them home.

Of course, it’s not all doom and gloom. We love seeing Elijah Wood in action opposite Christina Ricci’s Misty. Two icons in one iconic show. And, of course, we get our first look at Simone Kessell, a.k.a Adult Lottie, in action. Not to mention all the tantalizing glimpses of cults, antler queen revelry, and more.
Of course, the Yellowjackets season two trailer creates more questions than it answers. But we guess we will just have to wait for the season to premiere on Showtime on March 26. And let us say again, BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ!
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