Alan Cumming recently called his ‘X-Men’ movie “X2” the gayest flick he’s ever made … and someone else involved with the superhero film agrees … the writer!
David Hayter, who penned “X-Men” and “X2” … tells TMZ … he loved hearing AC’s take … ’cause the dude who played the mutant Nightcrawler is 100% right … the 2003 movie is pretty gay — for an important reason!
Here’s the deal… the film actor and Broadway star — out since 1998 — reflected on his diverse career, highlighting “X2” … proudly calling it the “gayest film I’ve ever done, and that’s me saying it” … noting he believes the storyline is an allegory for queerness.
DH points out “X-Men” and “X2” were among the first successful superhero films … way before the MCU … and a big part of the success was relatable characters and storylines about the mutants hiding their special gifts to avoid persecution … bigotry and exclusion being, sadly, highly relatable.
David boasts the LGBTQ+ community was represented both in the cast and crew, so the topic was on their minds while making it … but, the writer stresses the overall message is for anyone who has ever felt hated or ostracized to be themselves and not waiver.
And, DH gave serious props to ‘X-Men’ star Ian McKellen – a gay rights icon – who he says was well aware of what the films could mean — and who they might be speaking to — beyond straight white comic book fans, so he encouraged leaning in with deeper parallels, albeit not heavy-handed.
And, of course, the “tried not being a mutant” line in “X2” was a direct reference to gay struggles, David noting the question was so devastating coming from a hero’s mother … clearly illustrating the impossible situations people face with bigotry in their own family.

TMZ Studios
None of this is news to many LGBTQ+ X-Men fans … DH says he’s lost count of how many peeps have approached him at Cons over the years and then thanked him for making them feel seen via his stories.