Getty Image / Kate Green / iStock / Md Abdur Rouf
If you ever need to get ahold of Hollywood A-Lister Woody Harrelson in a hurry you’re going to be sorely disappointed because the actor has not owned a cellphone in over three years.
Woody recently sat down with his Cheers co-star Ted Danson and Kristen Bell who co-starred on The Good Place with Ted, and Danson brought up how Woody Harrelson doesn’t own a cellphone and the reasons he admires Woody for what he’s doing.
The clip starts with Ted Danson saying “let me explain something about Woody (Harrelson). He doesn’t have a phone. He’s one of those bullies in life that make other people carry his phone for him.” Woody responded that what Ted was saying isn’t exactly true and then went on to elaborate his position.
Woody Harrelson said “Well, I just don’t like to have, you know, to be readily available to any human being at any time.” Kristen Bell agreed with the sentiment saying “it doesn’t feel good” to always be at the beck and call of a cellphone.
Harrelson then said “that’s not the reason. I like to be in touch with people in a way, but I don’t like the appendage on my appendage. You know, I made a thing where I’m like, ‘Okay, I’m gonna set a two-hour limit on my phone,’ because this is, I’ve given it up now three, three and a half years, but back then I was like, ‘Okay, I’m going to set this limit. Two hours.’ It’s like 9:30. You know, I’ve already hit my limit at 9:30, so I woke up, and I’ve been on it two hours already because, cuz you know how it can just keep going and going.”
He finished by saying that it was primarily texting and not apps that was sucking up all his time back when he still had a cellphone. In fact, it didn’t even really sound like Woody Harrelson knew what apps are on cellphones, he didn’t really seem to have a firm grasp on it when mentioning them in passing.
Kristen Bell then responded to Woody Harrelson’s cellphone story by talking about a situation she had with her and Dax Shepherd’s kids that really made her think twice about cellphone use.
Must. Be. Nice.
You know you’ve straight up made it in life when you have the freedom to not have a cellphone like Woody Harrelson. That’s a freedom that 99.99% of the world is simply not afforded.
There are a thousand reasons people need to be reached in an instant, most related to work or family, and Woody seems to have somehow figured out how to free himself of those worldly constraints and for that I’m supremely jealous of him.