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In Tomb Raider 3, she celebrates having just saved the world from the final boss of the month by climbing onto a helicopter and just shooting the pilot dead.
Square Enix
The guy looked at her in a creepy manner, so a bullet to the dick could have been in order, sure, but she fires two! These weren’t even evil henchmen, just people cruelly experimented on by the now-dead for the sake of creating monstrosities. Maybe the guy was just happy he was finally free. When she’s not straight-up murdering happy helicopter pilots, TR3 Lara can be seen releasing Area 51 inmates to murder its guards. If Lara should be heralded as a hero by anyone, it should be by those weirdos who raided Area 51.
Tomb Raider The Angel Of Darkness is interesting because it dares to switch things up. This is finally the Tomb Raider for those who aren’t into either Tombs or Raiding. Luckily, though, it’s still great for those who are into pure evil.

Square Enix
At some point in the game, Lara goes to the Louvre to steal an artifact. At first, she either tases or knocks down the guards, but when things go awry, she pulls out her signature pistols and shoots the shit out of them. What the hell? This is the game where she’s trying to prove she didn’t commit a murder. Also, Lara is literally a world-famous millionaire archeologist. She could have bought the artifact or at least gotten the necessary permit to study it. These guards’ only crime was holding on to the few foreign artifacts the British were yet to take for themselves. The real-life equivalent of this would be learning that Elon Musk had just killed 20 people guarding the world’s oldest set of anime cat ears.

Square Enix
With all this, one has to wonder why the devs even bothered cutting the original ending of Tomb Raider Underworld, where Lara shoots a helpless villain in the leg and leaves her to freeze to death.

Square Enix
Top Image: Square Enix
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