What to watch: 7 movies & shows to stream

What to watch: 7 movies & shows to stream

There’s a lot of stuff to stream nowadays. In hopes of helping you watch more good movies and TV, every week we sum up some of the most exciting titles streaming across all platforms. Today we recommend a mix of new releases and newly available titles, from movies and shows, all available to stream on the most popular platforms.

Elite (Netflix)

The Spanish Netflix phenomenon is back for its fifth season. The new season follows a mix of old and new characters dealing with the repercussions of the previous season, which include love triangles, some murders, and plenty of dubious behavior. “Elite” is not everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s certainly stylish, fun and liberating.

Metal Lords (Netflix)

The producers of “Game of Thrones” made a partnership with Netflix, something that has resulted in some strange yet appealing productions that include “The Chair” and now “Metal Lords.” Both projects are much more down to Earth than people expected. “Metal Lords” follows two high school misfits who are desperate to make their mark on the metal music scene. Their peace is disrupted when one of them falls for a nerdy girl, who may be the perfect bassist for their band.

The Ultimatum: Marry or Move on

The new Netflix reality dating series has a pretty unhinged premise. A group of long term couples are recruited, with one of them wanting to get married and the other having their doubts. They then enter the show, where they date and find out whether they want to marry the partner they came in with, or move on with someone else. Chaos!

All the Old Knives (Amazon Prime Video)

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