There’s a lot of stuff to stream nowadays. In hopes of helping you watch more good movies and TV, we sum up some of the most exciting titles streaming across all platforms every week. Today we recommend a mix of new releases and newly available titles, from movies and shows, all available to stream on the most popular platforms.
Emily the Criminal (Netflix)
Starring Aubrey Plaza, “Emily the Criminal” is a timely thriller, following a woman who’s drowning in student loan debts. She gets a shady job where she buys goods with stolen credit card info, which quickly spirals out of control.
Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio (Netflix)
There are a lot of Pinocchio adaptations to choose from, but if there’s one that is a must-watch is likely Guillermo del Toro’s version. Del Toro is an imaginative director and someone who’ll make a feast out of Pinocchio’s dark story and visual possibilities.
The Night House (Hulu)
Starring Rebecca Hall, “The Night House” is an odd horror movie, preferring a quiet and building dread over jump scares. The film follows Beth (Hall), a student teacher reeling from her husband’s unexpected suicide and her obsession with uncovering the truth.