There’s a lot of stuff to stream nowadays. In hopes of helping you watch more good movies and TV, we sum up some of the most exciting titles streaming across all platforms every week. Today we recommend a mix of new releases and newly available titles, from movies and shows, all available to stream on the most popular platforms.
Blonde (Netflix)
After much anticipation, discussion, and controversy, Ana de Armas’ “Blonde” is finally on Netflix. The film is an alternate take on Marilyn Monroe’s life, based on the famous Joyce Carol Oates novel. While critics are torn on the film – some calling out its misogyny and others its technical prowess – the role is de Armas’s riskiest, and will likely lead to some award recognition.
Interview with the Vampire (AMC)
The beloved Anne Rice novel that was adapted into a Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt movie is getting the TV treatment. Aside from the fact that it’s a TV format, allowing for a deeper exploration of the Rice novels (there are over 13 books!), from the trailer alone, the show looks queerer and more diverse than the original.
My Best Friend’s Exorcism (Prime Video)
Based on the incredibly fun Grady Hendrix novel, “My Best Friend’s Exorcism” follows Abby and Gretchen, two high school friends with an intense bond. When Gretchen gets possessed by a demon, it’s up to Abby to convince the world that her friend is not herself and to find a way to bring her bac before it’s too late.