Fans have been curious to know about the easter eggs mentioned in Star Wars: The Acolyte Episode 7. The episode aired on July 09 and has created a stir online regarding the references. Let’s dive in to understand The Acolyte Easter Eggs in Star Wars.
What are the Easter Eggs in The Acolyte Episode 7?
As the latest chapter in the Star Wars saga, The Acolyte, delves into a new era but isn’t afraid to refer to the past. Creators have sprinkled the story with easter eggs, hidden references and winks to earlier films and shows.
Hyperspace disaster
In the Star Wars show The Acolyte, a Jedi Master talks about a past disaster that wrecked a planet called Brendok. This is a secret clue for fans! It refers to a big event in the Star Wars book called The High Republic: Light of the Jedi. In that story, spaceships crashed, causing big problems for many planets, including Brendok.
Force Vergence
In The Acolyte, Jedi investigates a planet called Brendok that’s somehow bursting with life despite being wrecked by a space accident. The Jedi thinks a strong spot in the Force, called a vergence, might be behind Brendok’s comeback. These vergences aren’t limited to places; remember when a Jedi thought a special person, Anakin Skywalker, was like a vergence?
Insulting a Wookie
One character grumbles about the food, but another character quickly reminds them to be nice! This is a shout-out to an earlier Star Wars movie where a smuggler says it’s not a good idea to make a Wookiee mad about food. Wookiees must be really good cooks in this galaxy!
Planet of Bonadan
The Acolyte features a character getting their mind probed by another. They find out this character is from a faraway planet called Bonadan. This planet is kind of like a big spaceport. It’s where a super important spaceship route starts!
Mae & Osha’s high M-counts
In its latest episode, Jedi tests two twins and discovers they have super strong Force powers, kind of like how a Jedi in an older Star Wars movie found a special young boy with an incredible amount of Force potential. This means the twins could be very important!
Jedi’s Noble Intentions
A character believes the Jedi mean well when they come looking for the twins with strong Force powers. But another character, maybe because of special powers, warns that these good intentions could lead to big trouble for the Jedi in the future. And guess what? Way later in Star Wars stories, almost all the Jedi are wiped out! Spooky!
Nightsisters and Aniseya’s powers
On the hunt for Force-sensitive twins in The Acolyte, a Jedi stumbles upon a coven of mysterious witches on a remote planet. He wonders if they’re like the scary Nightsisters from other Star Wars stories. One of the witches even uses creepy shadow powers, which kind of remind of the Nightsisters too.
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