Aside from being one of the most attractive humans on the planet, Henry Cavill has had an enviable career. He’s been Superman in three different films, not to mention the lead on The Witcher. Add in a Mission Impossible here, and a Sherlock Holmes there, and it’s a pretty stacked resume. But one thing he hasn’t done (yet) is play James Bond. However, back in 2005, a young Henry Cavill auditioned for the role of 007 for what would become the franchise reboot, Casino Royale. Now, Henry Cavill’s audition tapes for James Bond have surfaced, and you can watch him (with some very Jon Snow hair) give it his best.
Someone named Ron South posted the scene to YouTube, and he claims he discovered it “On a VHS tape found in a recycling bin at a movie studio.” (Imagine finding that while dumpster diving.) He also found Bond audition tapes from the same casting session for Rupert Friend, Avatar’s Sam Worthington, and future Homelander Anthony Starr. Henry Cavill is a mere 22 years old during this James Bond audition. So this is even before his breakout role in The Tudors. Serious Bond fans may recognize the scene Henry Cavill is playing out for the audition. It’s actually not from Casino Royale, it’s from Goldeneye, with Pierce Brosnan. Specifically, it’s the moment when 007 meets Xenia Onantopp, the Russian Bond girl played by a pre-X-Men Famke Janssen.

Honestly, we can’t fault director Martin Campbell for hiring Daniel Craig for Casino Royale over Cavill. For starters, he intended Casino Royale as a gritty reboot of Bond. Especially after the last couple of Pierce Brosnan Bond movies leaned heavily into camp. It had the same task Batman Begins had after Batman and Robin. They wanted a grittier, more rough-around-the-edges 007. And that’s just not the energy that a 22-year-old Henry Cavill is giving here in his James Bond audition. Could he play Bond now? Judging from his more recent films like The Man From U.N.C.L.E., we’d say he at least deserves another shot. Just don’t ask Daniel Craig who should replace him. He’s made it clear he so doesn’t care. Kermit the Frog could be the next Bond, and Craig would remain unbothered. Buy maybe if Henry Cavill gets to audition for Bond again, it will be him.