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A UFO flying just above street level was clearly caught on video by multiple people and no one has yet been able to come up with a good explanation for what happened.
The saucer-shaped UFO with numerous green lights forming a circle on its underside was reportedly spotted on May 25 moving slowly above the streets of Tehran, Iran.
There appears to be three distinct rings of approximately 20 green lights shining towards the ground with one more in the middle.
In one of the videos, the UFO can be heard making a sort of humming sound as it passed overhead.
The fact that the UFO was filmed in at least four different locations in the city has only added to the mystery and left locals in Iran’s capital stumped.
As is always the case with UFO sightings, there are skeptics.
“It’s a synchronized drone swarm. Seen it many times – I was equally aghast first time though!” one viewer commented on X (Twitter).
“If this were real, especially with the closest footage, I feel you’d be hearing hundreds if not thousands of people screaming,” someone else wrote. “Like it’s flying right over what looks like a busy street.”
Not everyone was a doubter though. Some people just want to believe.
“Well, these are 4 footages [sic] and having listened to all four sound samples, I must say, it’s the same sound but due to the Doppler effect and the fact that the object is at different heights/distances, people might think it’s fake,” commented another viewer. “Also, it is the same object all along. Bad news..!”
“The paranormal paradox,” read another comment. “When it looks too clear and real, despite being in 4 takes, the more you doubt it, because our brains cannot understand something like that. It’s interesting, I hope it’s real but we have to wait for more information.”
Real or fake, there is no denying that there is “something” out there or so many powerful and influential people wouldn’t be coming forward with stories about their UFO encounters.
Perhaps the cryptoterrestrials just decided to take a trip to the Middle East to check in on what was happening there?