Throughout The Wheel of Time’s run, the World of Dreams known as Tel’aran’rhiod has played a role in many characters’ stories. It’s a place that people can reach, whether purposely or accidentally, during sleep. Anything that happens there, including injuries, transfer to the actual world. In fact, it is possible to die in The Wheel of Time‘s Tel’aran’rhiod. We’ve seen it through the Two Rivers quartet and the Forsaken, especially Lanfear, who is a master of this realm. But season three takes the World of Dreams to new heights of importance. Here’s what we learn about Tel’aran’rhiod is The Wheel of Time season three’s latest episodes.
Back in episode three, Egwene speaks with Bair, an Aiel Wise One and Dreamwalker who is accompanying Rand’s crew to Rhuidean. Bair says it’s been hundreds of years since the White Tower produced a Dreamwalker. According to her, there are people in The Wheel of Time‘s world who can touch Tel’aran’rhiod, but very few can truly enter it. Bair is certain that Egwene is a Dreamwalker after they met in the dream world prior to their real-life encounter.
Egwene tells her about her recent dreams (more like nightmares) about Renna, but doesn’t think that her former enslaver could hurt her because she’s dead. Bair is concerned and says that if she’s causing harm, then she is not dead. Egwene doesn’t realize it is Lanfear torturing her, but she agrees to work with Bair after Rand’s trial to protect herself. And, the following episode, despite desiring to go alongside Rand, Bair and Melaine deny Egwene’s request to go into Rhuidean.
Episode five shows Bair making good on her promise. They arrive in Cold Rocks Hold, the home of the Taardad Aiel, so Rand can get to know its people. Bair tells Egwene that the time for feeling like she must protect Rand is over, and she must fully focus on her own path. Shortly after on The Wheel of Time season three, episode five, Egwene sits with the two Wise Ones to enter Tel’aran’rhiod. Bair tells her that after this experience, she cannot enter Tel’aran’rhiod again without their permission. They set up a ritual with a brass pin, which will drop when it is time to bring her back to reality.

Egwene closes her eyes and wakes up with the Wise Ones in Tel’aran’rhiod, who explain that uncontrolled thoughts are troublesome there. Egwene sees this firsthand when her fear literally changes her clothing into armor. They tell her that if she wants to be somewhere else for answers, she can simply believe it and arrive there. She ends up back in the streets near the White Tower alone, and sees no one at first. After an apparition of a child appears, Egwene quickly finds Lanfear in front of her. Lanfear begins to choke her and says she’s glad to see Egwene. The brass pin drops in the nick of time, and Bair confirms her worst fear: that a Shadowsouled (which Wetlanders call the Forsaken) is stalking Egwene.
Egwene’s ability to escape her clutches and wake up from her trip to Tel’aran’rhiod on The Wheel of Time season three shows her sheer determination and power. Later that night, Egwene tells Rand that she will sleep in the Wise Ones’ quarters to keep working with them. On her way to their quarters, Moiraine stops Egwene to ask her if she can take her to Tel’aran’rhiod to meet someone. She isn’t sure if she can do that and believes the place is too dangerous. Moiraine confirms that something she saw in Rhuidean is important enough to take the risk. They light candles and set up the brass pin to prepare.

Egwene is able to go from Moiraine’s dream to Suian’s dream. Moiraine says the White Tower must bend the knee to Rand, otherwise he will lose the Last Battle. Meanwhile, Egwene goes to Nynaeve and Rand’s dreams and sees them on their current journey to Tanchico. She does the same with Perrin and her heart is happy for her friends. But, things get dark when she sees Rand because he’s kissing Lanfear. Uh oh. Rand’s got some explaining to do.
We will see how Egwene deals with her discoveries in the Tel’aran’rhiod, the World of Dreams, and how it pushes her story forward the rest of the season in The Wheel of Time.
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