The Wheel of Time will continue to turn when season three drops this March. We’ve loved the first look photos and look forward to quite a few storylines, including Rand’s ongoing journey as the Dragon Reborn, the drama at the White Tower, and how Egwene’s increasing personal and physical power will affect her journey. And, of course, I personally hope to get more Nynaeve and Lan moments. Now, we finally have a trailer for The Wheel of Time season three and it looks like it will be the series’ most explosive run of episodes.
There’s so much going on in this trailer that it will make your head spin. Rand and Egwene are at odds thanks to his complex relationship with Lanfear. Moiraine reveals to Lan that the only future possibilities she sees involve either her or Rand dying. A fight breaks out in the White Tower, seemingly among the Aes Sedai. And we get more looks at new Aiel characters as well as glimpses of Tanchico. Overall, The Wheel of Time trailer is a thrilling combination of action, drama, and emotional turmoil.
Here’s an official synopsis for season three:
After defeating Ishamael, one of the most powerful of the Forsaken, at the end of Season Two, Rand reunites with his friends in the city of Falme and is declared the Dragon Reborn. But in Season Three, the threats against the Light are multiplying: the White Tower stands divided, the Black Ajah run free, old enemies return to the Two Rivers, and the remaining Forsaken are in hot pursuit of the Dragon… including Lanfear, whose relationship with Rand will mark a crucial choice between Light and Dark for them both.
As the ties to his past begin to unravel, and his corrupted power grows stronger, Rand becomes increasingly unrecognizable to his closest allies, Moiraine and Egwene. These powerful women, who started the series as teacher and student, must now work together to prevent the Dragon from turning to the Dark…no matter the cost.
What Is the Release Date for The Wheel of Time Season Three?

The Wheel of Time will deliver its first three episodes on March 13 and weekly episode drops afterward.