iStockphoto / Motortion
Nutter Butter claims to be the best-selling peanut butter sandwich cookie in the United States with an estimated billion of them eaten every year. I find that odd given I haven’t eaten a Nutter Butter in maybe 30 years nor have I even seen them around. But I did come across the Nutter Butter TikTok channel and it must be brought to everyone’s attention because it is posting the most unhinged content on TikTok and no, that’s not hyperbole.
My descent into the rabbit hole began when I came across a video from ‘Original Sinfluencer‘ on TikTok where he mentions just how off the rails the Nutter Butter TikTok channel is. With my curiosity piqued, I went straight to Nutter Butter’s TikTok feed to see what was up and my first impression was that I was really happy I wasn’t currently on psychedelics.
After ruminating on it for a bit, I started to wonder maybe if the videos were AI driven by letting some unchecked neural network crawl deep into the depths of Tumblr and spit out whatever it wants. I don’t have the answers but what else could explain content like this:
This video where a Nutter Butter peanut dances in front of a psychedelic background and continues to morph in and out of shape on top of text saying ‘in a land where peanut prance’ has been viewed 1.8 million times in the past 2 days. So it is not as if Nutter Butter TikTok has been flying under the radar, these videos are being seen by millions:
This quasi-retro video of Nutter Butter playing on a children’s playground with an ancient Nutter Butter jingle playing feels like some sort of a threat. The caption reads ‘come play,’ and I really, truly do not want to.
Something worth mentioning is that the Sour Patch Kids account comments on almost all of the Nutter Butter TikTok videos.
My best guess is whoever is running these TikTok accounts is an admin who has been posting memes since the earliest days of memes. They are probably operating at such a high level of memery at this point that nobody in the organization questions what they are doing and they only care about results and in this instance, results means reach and views which the Nutter Butter TikTok account is raking in by the millions.
I’m impressed that they are able to pull this off as a Mondelez International brand. Usually when it’s an international conglomerate they don’t allow s— posting but evidently the opposite is working here so maybe more enormous corporations should embrace this strategy.