Imagine living in a world where a huge studio spends over $120 million on an Uncharted movie, nobody ends up liking it, and their takeaway is that they should invest in the movie adaptation of a game that has no plot or even characters. Yes, big film studios remain adamant in their attempts to turn whatever successful video game franchise into movie form hoping to find one that sticks, even when that doesn’t make any sense. The new victim venture? The poor Gran Turismo series.
Rotten Tomatoes, EA
This time they’re enlisting David Harbour of Stranger Things fame to act in the film. We can’t blame our readers for immediately wondering whether he’ll be playing a car – because the game is all just cars, and maybe because the Cars series from Pixar remained ever-profitable despite sucking all sorts of ass. To be entirely honest, we don’t know either, but we’re suspecting that’s not it – yes, even though the movie will be directed by Neill Blomkamp of Chappie, Elysium, District 9, early ’00s anthropomorphic Citroen Car Comercial fame: