Sonar Picks Up Large, Unidentified ‘Creature’ In Loch Ness

Former Royal Air Force pilot Tom Dinsdale displays model he made of Loch Ness Monster

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After decades, nay centuries, has the Loch Ness Monster finally been found? Sonar images recently picked up what appears to be a large, unidentified “creature” deep down in the Scottish waters.

Numerous theories have been put forth ever since someone reported seeing the Loch Ness Monster in the sixth century book titled Life of St. Columba.

Some people believe the Loch Ness Monster actually lives in a parallel universe and only visits our universe through a portal. This would explain why no one can seem to locate it in the waters despite numerous, rather extensive searches.

Others believe that there could be more than one Loch Ness Monster, which, if traveling from a parallel universe, would explain why similar creatures have been spotted all over the world.

Plus, NASA found evidence in 2020 of a parallel universe where time goes backwards and the rules of physics are the opposite.

This past August, Alan McKenna of the research group Loch Ness Exploration, reported that he had deployed a hydrophone device, which detects and records noises underwater, 100 feet under the surface of Loch Ness and heard something strange in the same location where a famous underwater photo was taken in 1972.

“At first we believed that the hydrophone might be getting dragged along the bottom but the boat skipper confirmed the cable was at least five meters from the bottom,” McKenna said. “You can clearly hear a rhythmic pulse or heartbeat within the recording. We’ve no idea what was causing this sound but it’s very interesting.”

Now, Shaun Sloggie, a ship captain with Cruise Loch Ness, and maritime pilot Liam McKenzie both claim that sonar on their vessel detected a large object underneath the boat at a depth of around 98 meters [321 feet]. Was it the Loch Ness Monster?

Sloggie said it was “the biggest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“We’ve seen all sorts of fish that shouldn’t be here, but this? This was different,” the Daily Mail reports Sloggie claimed.

Of course, when they returned to the same location to investigate further, the mysterious object, like the Loch Ness Monster always does, had disappeared.

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