Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, and several other celebrities attended Anant Ambani’s and Radhika Merchant’s grand wedding. John Cena and the Kardashian sisters Kim and Khloe graced the occasion among the international celebs. Recently, a video of Salman staring at the SKIMS founder has gone viral on social media.
It was THE wedding of the year, completely star-studded, and had its moments. From Aishwarya coming to the wedding separate from the Bachchan family to Cena’s You Can’t See Me dance, it was all over the news. But it seems people are still talking about Anant and Radhika’s wedding and are hungover.
Media personality Kim Kardashian wore a red lehenga with a bold choli featuring tassels at the bottom. It features a slim pallu, and her top with the plunging choli revealed much of her busty assets. She paired it with a diamond necklace. However, Kim reportedly faced backlash from people for wearing red at the Indian wedding. Meanwhile, Salman Khan wore a navy blue ensemble comprising a kurta and pajamas.
The viral video from the Ambani wedding went viral on Reddit’s BollyBlindsNGossip. In the video, Kim Kardashian walked with Nita Ambani, the groom, aka Anant Ambani‘s mother. Kim and Salman Khan were surrounded by guests at the wedding, including Nita, as he allegedly stared at the SKIMS founder. The internet had a field day commenting on the post on the social media.
One of the users wrote, “He is just stuck there for damn good minutes!!”
Another said, “Bhai ko zyaada dikh gaya in fact.”
This was followed by one user saying, “Kim-Salman is the duo we are not ready for.”
“He seems more confused or disgusted than anything,” wrote one netizen.
One quipped, “Salmon bhoi what is this behavior.”
Another said, “This’s very funny. Somebody pls help that man get his toxic match faster so he doesn’t embarrass himself anymore.”
A user wrote, “Unfortunately she’s out of his reach.”
And, “This is so embarrassing.”
Check out the video here:
Salman Bhai caught in 4k .
byu/DressWonderful5396 inBollyBlindsNGossip
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