Salma Hayek is celebrating her birthday. And she’s looking amazing while doing so. Hayek posted a new video of herself celebrating on Instagram. In it, Hayek enjoyed time on a boat. She wore a red bathing suit, looking gorgeous. She captioned the video, “Happy 56th birthday to me!” Read on to see 5 ways Salma Hayek stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don’t miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!
Hayek has amazing skin, and many people want her secrets. She revealed that she only washes her face once a day. “I never cleanse my skin in the morning,” she told the New York Times. “My grandmother taught me that at night your skin replenishes all the things you lost during the day. Also, if I cleanse very well at night, why would it be dirty when I wake up?”
Hayek revealed some of her favorite skincare products to the New York Times. “I use rose water to take off the residuals,” she said. “You can use a hot towel with the rose water — you put a wet towel in the microwave — to do a little steam.”

Hayek tells the New York Times that she doesn’t like to over-exfoliate. She explains that this doesn’t help her skin. “Exfoliating a lot may make you look good in the short term, but not, I think, in the long term. I see many women in L.A. who have exfoliated so much they look shiny.”

Hayek loves doing juice cleanses. She even has her own company, Cooler Cleanse. She wrote about her love of cleanses on her company’s website. “After doing a juice cleanse, I’m motivated to eat healthier and not emotionally. Cleansing is like my meditation. It makes me stop, focus and think about what I’m putting into my body. I’m making a commitment to my health and hitting the reset button.”

Hayek has a busy schedule, which means she doesn’t always have time to workout or go to the gym. She tells People that for this reason, she has incorporated habits that help her stay active into her schedule. One thing she likes to do is adjust her posture. “I work with a woman in London who taught me how to hold my body in a way where the muscles are activated all day long. So even when you brush your teeth, you’re working the muscles.”