If you had any doubt that Rune Slayer isn’t an MMORPG, here’s your proof: it has fishing. And as we all know, if a game has fishing, it’s officially an MMORPG. Kidding aside, you’re here to learn how fishing works in Rune Slayer, and we’re here to help. Yeah, we had trouble with this, too, but we eventually figured it out and are happy to tell you how to catch fish in Rune Slayer. Spoiler Alert: It definitely isn’t as intuitive as in Fisch.
Before you catch fish in Rune Slayer
Before you catch the fish, you should definitely accept the fishing quest from Simon the Fisherman (the white-haired NPC at one of the piers where the Baracuda is swimming). Simon needs you to catch 5 “fish,” and in return, he will give you a Tackle Box (we’ll explain later why the quotation marks).
Here’s the twist: in order to catch the fish, you need a fishing rod and some bait/tackle, and guess who just happens to be selling these things? That’s right: Simon the Fisherman.

So, buy Wood Fishing Rod and some Worms from Simon. Most players recommend you have at least 5 worms, but we bought 10 just in case. Before you ask, NO, you cannot equip the bait. See… the bait (Worm) just needs to sit in your inventory, and even though you don’t actually equip it, it’s still sort of used when you fish. When you catch a fish, one of the Worms gets automatically removed from your inventory.
But here’s the real kicker: It seems that you aren’t able to catch any fish unless you have at least 5 bait. We initially tried this with just one Worm, but couldn’t catch anything. Once we had 5 Worms in our inventory, only then did we start reeling in some aquatic lifeforms. We recommend you put the Worms in your hot bar so you can keep track of how many you have. Once you have all of these, you can move on to the next step.
How to catch fish in Rune Slayer

First, select your Wood Fishing Rod. You can’t equip it, so just move it to your hotbar (or access it from your inventory), and your character will hold it in both hands.
Hold M1 to cast your line and make sure it lands in a body of water (the pier next to Simon the Fisherman will do just fine).
Now, simply watch the bobber, and when you see it make a ripple or two ripples, click M1 again to reel in the catch. That’s it.
This doesn’t work 100% of the time. More often than not, you won’t catch anything. Other times, you’ll catch junk, but the good news is Simon will still consider junk as a catch (that’s why we put “fish” in quotation marks earlier).
So, essentially, cast your line, wait for the ripples, hit that M1, and reel in anything five times. We actually only caught two fish, while the rest was Old Cups.

Once you’ve caught 5 “fish”, talk to Simon the Fisherman to complete the quest. He will give you a tackle box. Select it to open it and put all your remaining worms inside it. From now on you won’t need to waste your precious inventory space on dumb fishing tackle.
That’s all there is to it. Have fun catching fish. If you need more help, check out our The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Rune Slayer.