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Rocket Pengwin has announced his debut album ‘Polar Opposites’, set for release on September 22.
The project of songwriter and visual artist Eddie Sears, Rocket Pengwin has marked the announcement of the album via new single ‘Central Park’.
The latest track is, perhaps unsurprisingly, a love letter to New York City, and arrives with a music video that was shot in – you guessed it – Central Park.
Have a watch and a listen below.
Explaining how the track doubles up as a song about relationships more broadly, Sears has said:
“I wrote Central Park from the perspective of someone who’s watching a relationship play out from the sidelines – a relationship with someone they have feelings for in the literal sense, a relationship with something like a new city they’ve moved to where they still feel out of place, a relationship with anything of value and meaning, really.
“Central Park itself is a vast, beautiful ecosystem stuck inside the busiest city in the world. It’s a strange metaphor for what we all want and crave as humans – beauty and serenity in the midst of chaos.
“In complex relationships, we yearn for those moments, and the song specifically chronicles how the character can see the beauty in their love interest in the chaos – they’re beautiful to them no matter what the circumstance is.”
‘Central Park’ figures as the second track on the forthcoming record, after the album’s opening, eponymous tune.
Previous single releases ‘Save Me’, ‘Heaven’, ‘Invincible’ and ‘Jaded’ are also on the record.
See the full ‘Polar Opposites’ artwork and tracklisting below.

Polar Opposites
Central Park
What It Seems
Say It Loud
What’s The Point? (I Care)
Don’t Hate
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