Joe Rogan Experience
Joe Rogan recently welcomed Ray Kurzweil onto the ‘Joe Rogan Experience’ as a guest. Kurzweil is currently at Google working on AI and machine learning projects, but he has been one of the most influential figures in the field of artificial intelligence over the past 30 years and is one of the most well-respected people in the business.
The full episode is nearly two hours long and worth a listen, but there are some moments worth calling out.
Just 4 minutes into the episode, Ray Kurzweil begins to tell Joe Rogan how he predicts that AI will match/overtake human intelligence by the year 2029. In fact, Kurzweil says many people in the industry believe that will come a lot sooner and 2029 is a conservative guess. Kurzweil also says that he made this prediction back in 1999, saying that artificial intelligence would match/surpass human intelligence within 30 years.
Other portions of interest in the interview are a moment I personally find a bit jarring. He believes that by the year 2045, artificial intelligence will multiply our human intelligence a million fold. And hRay Kurzweil believes this will be accomplished through AI integration into human brains.
He also believes that AI will help us live a lot, lot longer. But with the increased intelligence through AI, the actual process of being very, very old won’t be anything compared to what it is today.
If any of this was fascinating, there’s a LOT more. Ray Kurzweil has written extensively on AI over the years. His most popular book, ‘The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI’ and all of his other books can be found on Amazon or at your local library. In an ever-changing world brought about by decades of work from guys like Ray, it is certainly fascinating to hear his take on where we’re headed in the next 30 years.