Nintendo Direct June 2024: all the news and trailers

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Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

No Switch 2, no problem.

As promised, the latest Nintendo Direct took place on June 18th, and the focus was on games for the second half of the year. That’s a good thing — aside from a Luigi’s Mansion 2 remake and a game about speedrunning, the lineup of upcoming Switch titles had been very quiet.

Now that the Direct is over, we have a better picture of Nintendo’s next slate of games. There will be a lot to play while we wait for the Switch 2, including a Zelda-led adventure in September, a new Mario Party in October, new Mario & Luigi RPG in November, an HD version of Donkey Kong Country Returns in January. Nintendo finally shared the first look at Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, but that game won’t come out until an unspecified time in 2025. There were some great third-party reveals as well, including a November release date for Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake and an Ace Attorney Investigations collection.

You can check out all of the important reveals and trailers right here.

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