Netflix is rolling out a new feature called Manage Access and Devices that lets you see the devices associated with your account. Based on a screenshot from Netflix, you’ll be able to see things like which devices are connected to your account, which profile watched something on that device, and where they watched it from. If you want to log somebody out of the account, you can click the “sign out” button.
In a blog post, Netflix positions this new feature as a way to log out of a device you might add your account to while traveling for the holidays, and it could be handy if you need to kick someone off your account, like an ex or an old roommate. But it might get a lot more use after Netflix starts charging users for sharing their passwords with friends and family that live outside their household.
Netflix hasn’t detailed its full plans for the password-sharing crackdown, though it’s been testing ideas that could indicate what we can expect. And while we don’t know exactly when the hammer will come down, Netflix said as part of its most recent earnings that it will roll out its approach to “monetize account sharing” in “early 2023.” Though, if you do need to kick someone off your account, at least they can transfer their profile.
Manage Access and Devices will be available on the web and the iOS and Android apps.