Getty Image / Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic
Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino is one of the most famous reality TV stars to come out of MTV and his rise to stardom and subsequent legal troubles and battles with addiction have been documented over the years.
The Jersey Shore star’s life his a standstill in 2019 when he went to a medium-security federal prison in New York (near Poughkeepsie) and served about nine months after taking a plea deal for tax evasion. Somehow though, in this conversation with Jackass! star Steve-O, serving time in federal prison isn’t what Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino looks back on as the ‘rock bottom’ of his life.
For Mike ‘The Situation‘, rock bottom came a few years prior when his legal troubles with the government were just beginning to materialize. Rock bottom looks different for every addict but for The Situation it was experimenting with heroin, the one drug he swore he’d never do. He spoke about the depths of his substance abuse with Steve-O, a fellow former addict who has been sober for 16 years, and it’s interesting to see him speak so openly about the darkest day of his life.
Stay away from drugs. That’s the clear message from every addict. More people should listen to them!
Some details missing from this specific interview that he brought up on Entertainment Tonight last year is just how large the scope of drugs he was carrying at any given times was. The Situation says he would have 150 Percocets, 130 Roxicet, 100 Xanax, and 100 Valium with him at all times in a small Louis Vuitton bag.
My first takeaway from that is…I’m sure Louis Vuitton just loved that he name checked the brand in that interview. My second takeaway is it’s a miracle he survived his addiction.
After getting clean at the end of 2015, he has still been on a rollercoaster. The Situation was in prison from January to September in 2019, which was just two months after he got married. He’s now happily married with three kids and has published an autobiography, Reality Check: Making the Best of The Situation — How I Overcame Addiction, Loss, and Prison, and is able to share his story with others.