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I appreciate that folks are having finale screenings now. This is not a wholly new thing, but it really only used to happen when the finale being screened was an event. Like, the finale of Lost or The Sopranos. (Two finales that are controversial but which I personally liked. I just rewatched both of these series and recommend both as noteworthy binge watches.) This, on the other hand, I feel like is happening because the screening of the premiere of Pam and Tommy happened before people were really going out-out again, and now they can really whoop it up more safely. I think this is great! Also great: Sebastian Stan’s look possibly minus the shoes (I might have gone cognac-colored with the pink), and Seth Rogen’s entire vibe though I might have tucked the shirt in. (Seth Rogen started showing up for things sartorially once he made a movie with Charlize Theron and the man has never looked back and, Seth, if you are reading this: THANK YOU and YOU’RE KILLING IT.) Lily looks honestly gorgeous, but this might be a little much for the screening of the finale of a TV show? (I honestly think no one knows what we’re supposed to wear to stuff anymore, though.)
Here’s your back view:
Would this have been more successful as a mini?

[Photos: Matt Baron/Shutterstock]
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