Kick reveals huge changes to help streamers earn money easier and faster

Kick reveals huge changes to help streamers earn money easier and faster

Kick has announced an overhaul of its creator partnership program, making it quicker and easier for streamers to start earning money.

On March 15, Kick CEO and co-founder Ed Craven, aka Eddie, revealed all the upcoming changes during an episode of the Kick Talk stream:

“KCIP will no longer be called KCIP, it will be Kick Partner. You are a partner of Kick the moment you are on KCIP… We will be making the requirements for people who wish to enter KCIP, significantly more attainable.

“Path to Affiliate becomes Path to Creator, Path to Verification, which is the checkmark, this remains relatively similar. Parth to partner, this is coming down to something again a little more reasonable,” Eddie outlined.

He added: “No longer calling it this mysterious KCIP, but calling it a partnership because that it what it is. It is a partnership between Kick and between you and your community and solidifying that partnership and making it official.”

Kick overhauls partnership program and reduces monetization requirements

Following the announcement stream, Kick’s Head of Strategic Partnerships, Andrew Santamaria, posted a full breakdown comparing the old requirements to the new ones for the platform’s monetization tiers, now part of the revamped ‘Kick Partner’ program.

The new program includes three tiers: Path to Creator, Path to Verification, and Path to Partner. Here’s a breakdown of all the changes and requirements for each:

Path to Creator

Old requirements New requirements

Path to Verification

Old requirements New requirements

Path to Partner

Old requirements New requirements

Eddie stated that these updates are the “first of many changes coming to Kick,” but the overhauled partnership program has not yet been given a launch date.

The changes follow Twitch CEO Dan Clancy’s February announcement that the rival streaming platform is making major changes to help Twitch streamers earn money sooner, including enabling most broadcasters to monetize their channels from day one with open subscriptions and bits rather than requiring Affiliate or Partner status.

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