Kate Upton is showing off her spectacular aerial yoga skills—and joking about starting a whole new career. The 31-year-old model shared an Instagram post of herself wearing blue yoga gear, doing poses in the yoga hammock under the eye of an instructor. “Kate Du Soleil?” she captioned the video, which gets bonus points for the beautiful floor-to-ceiling windows behind her displaying the winter landscape. Here’s how Upton stays strong, healthy, and beautiful.

Upton starts her day with a healthy smoothie. “I blend kale, spinach, blueberries, almond milk and half a banana and ice,” she told Women’s Health. “And I’ve recently discovered my new favorite dinner; courgetti spaghetti with home-made tomato sauce and a little truffle oil. I only really cook when I have people over though because I cook for compliments!”

Upton works out for both mental and physical health, something that was especially important during the pandemic lockdowns. “My goal is to get a good workout in every day, even if it’s for 30 minutes,” she told Shape. “I’ve been enjoying workouts from my Strong4Me Fitness program and have also been focused on hitting PRs, which has been a great source of motivation for me… Working out has been a saving grace during this time. But having a support system has also been crucial, at least for me. It’s so important to talk to someone, whether that’s your husband, members of your family, friends, or even a professional. Now more than ever it’s so important to take care of yourself.”
Upton keeps her workouts mixed up so she doesn’t get bored. “I train about four times a week, mixing it up with light weights, lengthening body weight exercises, yoga, and boxing,” she told Women’s Health. “There’s only one thing I hate about the gym. Looking at myself! I hate it but when you’re weight training you have to do it to make sure you’re doing the move properly. It’s so awkward though.”
Upton loves grilled healthy proteins and vegetables. “I work out three times a week and try to eat healthily,” she told CNTraveler. “It helps give me energy after long days and lots of traveling. I love fish or chicken, grilled vegetables, sautéed spinach with feta cheese and a good juice.”
Upton is thrilled that strong physiques are becoming accepted as desirable. “I do love that ‘strong not skinny’ is a movement now,” she previously told Women’s Health. “When I first started out, it was just ‘skinny, skinny, skinny’. And I want to be strong because I’m working 12-hour days and I want to do it with energy and happiness and I want to go out with my friends and enjoy my life.”