John Leguizamo has been an incredible advocate for sharing Latin stories. The Latin History for Morons creator is now using his platform to support the TribecaX award-winning short film, Translators, which tells the story of three child translators in the U.S. that are helping their immigrant, Spanish-speaking parents survive.
The U.S. has over 11 million child translators in the U, S, and shows how young bilingual Hispanic children play a pivotal role as translators, raising awareness about the importance of language access.
Leguizamo, who immigrated to the United States from Colombia when he was 4 years old, attended the Speaking up, por Nosotros event in Los Angeles where we had the honor to talk to an actor. He told us the short film resonated with his story.

“It brought me to tears several times,” he said. “It’s such a powerful film because it’s all our lives. I’m a child of immigrants, I’m an immigrant myself, and I was always translating for my parents. You become a doctor lawyer, advocate,” the actor continued.
The Leguizamo Does America Host, took to Instagram to encourage fans to share their stories with the hashtag #TranslatorsFilm. You can watch the film here.