Jennylyn Mercado, Dennis Trillo, Sam Milby on love and commitment

Love triangle with a twist: Jennylyn Mercado, Dennis Trillo, Sam Milby star in Korean romcom adaptation

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For the first time in years, Jennylyn Mercado returns to the big screen as she teams up with her real-life husband Dennis Trillo and Sam Milby for the romantic comedy movie ‘Everything About My Wife’

MANILA, Philippines – “Romcom Queen” Jennylyn Mercado is back to doing what she does best.

For the first time in over five years, Mercado returns to the big screen as she teams up with her real-life husband Dennis Trillo and Sam Milby for the romantic comedy movie Everything About My Wife. The film is an adaptation of 2012 South Korean movie All About My Wife, which tells the story of a clashing married couple whose relationship gets tested by a playboy hired by the husband to seduce his own wife.

In this edition of Rappler Talk Entertainment — which premieres on Saturday, February 15, at 3 pm — Mercado, Trillo, and Milby discuss commitment, relationship lessons, and love languages. –

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