The Spot Youth Center Saba Staff and Youths
Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez seem to be checkin’ out all that the Caribbean has to offer … ’cause the happy couple has been doing some island hopping during their vacation.
On Thursday, Jeff and Lauren were spotted by locals touring Saba, a small island in the Dutch Caribbean.
Kemaul Lee, who runs an after-school activity center for kids on the island, tells TMZ … once the word got out that the billionaire couple was making their way around, the kids were determined to go find the pair themselves.
We’re told the group eventually found Jeff and Lauren hopping off a bus after touring the island … and as they were making their way back to their yacht, Jeff told the kids and staffers their island was a beaut — something everyone LOVED.
As we reported, JB and LS were enjoying some time in St. Barts earlier this week, after Lauren celebrated her 54th birthday … but the 2 are definitely still on vacay mode.