Natacha Oceane is living her best life – in her exercise clothes. In a new social media post the influencer flaunts her amazing body in a two-piece workout set while spending time with her besties. “A generous helping of the best friends going, becoming a beginner again, a splash of ✨vertigo✨, and a garnish of badass girls conquering the world 🧗♀️🚣♀️ Making the most out of every minute 🥹🪁 🏄♀️ 👩❤️💋👩🦋🐠👧🏼🪸🥖,” she captioned the Instagram photos. How does she approach diet, fitness, and self-care? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.
“Level up lower body days w some accessible plyos + explosives to help you move better,” Natacha writes in a post. “Plyometric (v low ground contact time) and explosive (near maximal force in ‘every’ rep) exercises are huge for moving more like an athlete: more power, fast twitch muscle fibres, better running economy, stronger bones, fewer injuries etc etc 🌈🦋 So they’re always staples for functional development, alongside all ya classics like squats, lunges + hip hinges ofc.” She went on to reveal her “fave, more accessible movements to sprinkle into lower body days!”

Snap step-up and knee drive (10 reps/side x 3): “Pause between reps if it helps you maintain your balance: all that matters is that we’re really *snapping* forcefully downwards+upwards together,” she says.
Multidirectional skater hops (30s x 3): “Stay up on your toes to minimise ground contact time. Slow it all down to start and once you’ve found your rhythm you’ll be unstoppable.”

Weighted snap step-up and knee drive (8-12 reps/side x 3): “Just like before but on a smith so we can focus a little less on stabilisation and instead max out our power generation. A light weight works: we still want <1 second knee drives,” she says.
Pogo hops to box jump (30s x 3): “Quick, low pogo hops (staying up on the toes and without much knee flexion) straight into a box jump,” she adds.

Explosive quarter squats (15 x 3): “Full-range barbell squats are king but explosive low-range squats all the way up into a calf extension can really help with sprinting, accelerating, vertical jump and just becoming ✨dynamic,” she says.
Rapid single leg calf raises (10-15 per side x 3): “Speedy down, speedy up! I do mine with my non-working knee up to help minimise knee flexion.”
DB hang power clean (15 x 3): “Extend at the hips (drive them forwards) quickly and snap up. Land with slightly bent knees if you’re going for heavier weight!” she says.
Sprints: “>80% sprints (so generally <30seconds) with +1min of rest to really target your power,” she writes.