I have the world’s biggest mouth & make £4k a month from a side hustle no-one else can do – trolls send me death threats

Samantha has the world's largest mouth

A WOMAN who holds the world record for the largest mouth has shared how she makes cash from a side hustle that no one else can do.

She makes £4,000 a month for just a few hours of work, but revealed that she is also sent death threats from trolls.


Samantha has the world’s largest mouthCredit: Jam Press/Samantha Ramsdell
TikTok videos of her eating food get millions of views


TikTok videos of her eating food get millions of viewsCredit: Jam Press
She earns thousands from her TikTok posts


She earns thousands from her TikTok postsCredit: Jam Press Vid/Samantha Ramsdell

Samantha Ramsdell describes herself as a “mouth professional”, and makes thousands a month, just from posting on TikTok.

Her mouth is a whopping 6.5 inches wide, much larger the the average size for women, which is 4.4cm.

The TikToker’s videos revolve around her stuffing her face with enormous sandwiches and pastries, in an attempt to make people laugh.

“I’m embracing my insane face”, she told Channel 4.

She can also fit an entire wine bottle and a can of soup in her gob.

Her posts gain up to 30 million views, which she said translates to about £1500.

This means that she only has to make a few videos a month to reach her £4,000 target.

Samantha gets inspiration for her videos from people that comment under her videos.

However, she revealed that amongst the comments giving her suggestions, she receives a lot of death threats.

“You can say that it doesn’t bother you as much as you want, but when you get told 100 times a day that people want you to die, it’s hard to block out”, she said.

She said that she has been bullied for her whole life about her big mouth, and as a child never felt confident showing it off.

Before the pandemic, Samantha was working as a stand up comedian, and during lockdown, decided to take her comedy to TiKTok.

I’m only 17 & make £40,000 a month from my bedroom side hustle – my parents said ‘no’ to the idea but now I’m rich

She realised that she had something really unique about her, and her videos quickly began to take off.

Samantha is proud that she has been able to turn something that she was once insecure about, into a “superpower”.

“Everyone that has something special should embrace what makes them different”, she said.

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