How to Target Belly Fat With This Underrated Exercise — Best Life

A woman using battle ropes at the gym

Getting rid of belly fat can seem an uphill battle, especially as it’s difficult to spot-reduce fat. Having said that, certain underrated exercises are very effective at torching fat and working the core muscles, even if they’re not as well-known as crunches or planks. “Adding a HIIT workout to your normal strength routine is a great way to get your heart rate up, enhance your cardiovascular endurance, and build muscular strength,” Amber Rees, senior curriculum lead at Barry’s in New York City, tells Runner’s World. One particular low-impact HIIT exercise can help strengthen and tone the core while encouraging weight loss and fitness, while going easy on your joints. Read on to find out what the experts recommend.

RELATED: 15 Proven Ways to Lose Belly Fat After 60.

Battle Ropes For the Win


Battle ropes are an excellent way to workout several different muscle groups at the same time, including the core. “Most battle ropes exercises appear to target the arms. But they’re actually very effective at engaging core and back muscles, as well as the shoulders and, to a lesser extent, the glutes,” according to David Lloyd Fitness. “Engaging your entire core this way will require your body to shift into a higher gear, burning a high number of calories per minute and boosting your metabolic rate for hours after you’re done. Regularly exercising with battle ropes, combined with a diet that fuels your workouts, should mean you see the results you’re aiming for over time.”

Battle Ropes and Belly Fat

A man using battle ropes at the gym


Battle rope exercises are highly effective for burning a lot of calories in a shorter amount of time. “Battle rope workouts torch calories, and burning more calories than you take in can burn fat,” says Kate Meier, NASM-CPT, USAW-L1, CF-L1. “While you can do exercises that focus on certain muscle groups, you can’t target where the fat will be burned from. As always, you will need to pair your battle ropes with proper nutrition to burn belly fat the most effectively.”

RELATED: 7 Ways to Lose “Unhealthy” Visceral Fat.

Battle Rope Circuits

A woman using battle ropes at the gym


Alex Polish, NASM-CNC, ACE-CPT, SITA-SIFS, has a great circuit workout using battle ropes.

“If you’re looking to strengthen your core and your shoulders in one fell swoop, these circuits are a great (and fun) way to go,” Polish says, via Barbend. “Make sure you’re always keeping rock solid form, and rest more often than noted if you need to.”

Circuit One: Waves

Complete 20 seconds of battle rope waves.

Rest for 30 seconds.

Repeat circuit five times.

Circuit Two: Slams

Complete 10 powerful battle rope slams.

Rest for 20 seconds.

Repeat circuit five times.

Circuit Three: Slams and Waves

Waves: 20 seconds.

Rest 20 seconds.

Slams: 10 reps.

Rest 20 seconds.

Repeat circuit four times.

Circuit Four: Plank Waves

Start with the rope in your non-dominant hand. Complete 10 reps of plank waves.

Rest for 20 seconds.

Switch sides and complete 10 more reps.

Repeat circuit four times.

Circuit Five: Waves and Side Planks

Waves: 20 seconds.

Non-dominant side plank: 20 seconds.

Rest 40 seconds.

Waves: 20 seconds.

Dominant side plank: 20 seconds.

Rest 40 seconds.

Repeat circuit four times.

Circuit Six: Plank Waves And Side Planks

Non-dominant side plank wave: 10 reps.

Dominant side plank: 20 seconds.

Dominant side plank wave: 10 reps.

Non-dominant side plank: 20 seconds.

Repeat circuit four times.

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