How to Multiclass in Rune Slayer

A player stats screen showing the Berserker Subclass

Even though you pick your class when you first create a character, Rune Slayer gives you the option of adding one or more classes later in the game. Having the ability to multiclass might sound awesome… but is it actually awesome? In this guide, we’ll tell you how to multiclass and, more importantly, if you should multiclass.

How to multiclass in Rune Slayer

Screenshot by The Escapist

You can multiclass in Rune Slayer when you reach character level 30. Note that we said “character level” and not “class level” because there is a difference (more on that later). When you hit level 30 (and up) and open your character window, you’ll notice a small box in the top right corner that says “Add a Class.” Select this option, and you’ll get another window where you get to pick your new class, similar to how it looked when you first created your character. Pick one of the new classes you wish to add, select “Finish, ” and just like that, you’ll officially start multiclassing.

When you level up again, you’ll now get a choice to add a level to either your main class or your alt class (alt classes) or even to add a new class. This is also the reason why levels don’t get added automatically to your class when you level up (in case you want to pick which class you want your level to go to). Each character level you gain is a point you can use towards one of your classes.

With the current maximum character level being 40, you can be level 29 in your main class and level 11 in one of your other classes (or use those 11 levels for multiple other classes). For the record, you need to get to level 30 in your main class to unlock subclasses like the Berserker.

Should you multiclass in Rune Slayer?

Rune Slayer Berserker abilities with Holy Light highlighted
Screenshot by The Escapist

This depends on how you want to play Rune Slayer, but generally, we don’t recommend it. On the one hand, if you choose to multiclass, you can wield new weapons, get new abilities, and perhaps even have a different playstyle.

On the other hand, by putting levels into a class different than your main, you are limiting your main class’s potential. This wouldn’t be too much of a problem if stopped gaining new abilities at level 30 for the main class, but that’s not the case.

While there is no definitive answer, it just doesn’t make much sense to multiclass, at least not while the character level cap is 40. When the level cap gets increased, multiclassing will likely make more sense. As of now, we would strongly advise you to stick with just your main class.

That’s all there is to it. Have fun multiclassing (or just sticking with your main class). If you need to change up your playstyle a bit, check out How to Reset Skills in Rune Slayer. If you want to stay up to date with Rune Slayer, check out the unofficial Trello board.

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