Rune Slayer really proves that you can have an MMORPG-like experience in Roblox. You’ve got “Kill 10 X” quests, crafting, dungeons, and even fishing. However, no MMORPG is complete without a mount, and Rune Slayer does let you have one. While getting a mount isn’t too difficult, the game doesn’t really tell you how to get one. Well, we’re here to help.
Before you get a mount
Before you start thinking of traversing the world of Rune Slayer faster, here are a few things you need to have:
- Be level 20
- Have a tamed Pet
That’s it. Neither of these things are too difficult. Getting to level 20 shouldn’t take you more than a few hours (about 5 – 6, probably even faster if you have a few friends). Just keep doing Quests, Jobs, and killing mobs, and you’ll get there in no time.
As for taming a pet, you’ll get a quest that will teach you how to do it , but it boils down to this:
- Find an animal you’d like to tame (Deer, Wolf, Spider, etc.)
- Attack it once
- Take out and hold a food item that the animal likes to eat (Deers love Apples, and Wolves love Raw Deer Meat)
- A Heart should appear above their heads, signaling that you’re attempting to tame them
- If the heart grows all the way, the animal will drop to the ground and will become your pet
- If the heart turns black, you’ve failed the taming (it happens, don’t worry), so just find a different animal and try again
Once you have both your Pet and level 20, you can move on to the next step.
Finish the Mount Quest

Once you hit level 20, Jimmy the Stable Master in Wayshire, will have a quest for you. He needs you to deliver a package to the Stable Master in Ashenshire. Accept “Jimmy’s Delivery” quest and simply head north through Wayshire’s northern entrance. Follow the road and climb over the hill, which leads to Greatwood Forest. Don’t wander around too much here, as the mobs are kind of tricky. Keep going north, and eventually, you’ll reach Ashenshire; you’ll know you’re there when you see huge houses on top of large trees.

Find a rope that takes you up and interact with it (you’re character will start climbing). Once you’re up, the very first NPC you see Madonna The Stable Master (see image). There won’t be a quest marker on her head, so just talk to her and pick “I have a package for you.” She will take the package. Now, you just need to get back to Wayshire, so just backtrack all the way (it’s to the south from Ashenshire).

Once you get back, talk to Jimmy the Stable Master (there will be an exclamation mark on his head), and he will give you your reward: A Saddle. The Saddle won’t appear in your inventory (probably so you don’t sell it or lose it accidentally).
How to mount your pet in Rune Slayer

After you get the saddle, simply summon your pet (Hold “T”). When your pet is out, walk up to it, and you’ll see an option called “Mount”. Press “E”, and mount your pet. And, YES, this works on all other mountable pets.
That’s all there is to it. Have fun mounting your pet and traveling at high speeds across Rune Slayer. If you need more help, check out our The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Rune Slayer. In case you need help with fishing, we’ve got a guide for that, too.