Horoscopes For The Week Of May 19

Bossip Horoscopes

The new week is here and we’re back with a brand new set of horoscopes to help you plan for the week ahead by checking what the stars have in store!

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

Here’s another week of astrological forecasts, courtesy of our favorite — Psychic Zya.

Astro Overview:

This week is a big one for all things Gemini cause so many amazing planets are going to join up in the sign this week.

Starting with the Sun entering Gemini on the 20th bringing with it our need for mental activity, planning, socializing and keeping busy.

And on the 23rd Venus enters Gemini, helping us to get creative, express our true romantic desires and can even make communication between partners go smoother.

Also on the 23rd we have a Full Moon in Sagittarius which can make us more bold when speaking out about our beliefs, our big picture goals and giving us just enough of an energetic boost to make these things happen!

Finally on the 25 Jupiter’s year long station in Taurus comes to end and now it’s set to give all the abundance to Gemini for the next year. So if you’re a Gemini Sun or have Gemini in your Venus, Jupiter or Moon sign you should definitely do some abundance rituals on this day.

Alrighty, let’s see what week has in store for your sign.


Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.

Bossip Horoscopes Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

CAPRICORN: The cards are all pointing to expectations of serendipitous opportunities that lead to joy and renewed wonder at the goodness of life. The key to manifesting this into your reality with rapid speed is to stay OPEN. BE STILL. DO NOTHING. Don’t try to control the outcome – just focus on the outcome you wish to see and let the universe take care of the rest.

RED FLAG: Take note that the above message doesn’t mean neglecting your family and financial responsibilities; which a Cappy would never do anyway.

SWEET SPOT: Grab a piece of purple amethyst crystal and meditate ten minutes a day with it while focusing on the outcomes you wish to see.

Keep reading for more BOSSIP horoscopes!

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