Fallout London Map’s Size Compared to Fallout 4

A large map of Falout London, showing its many, many locations.

Fallout London, out now, is a UK-centric Fallout 4 expansion, but just how big is it? Does it eclipse its parent or is it a tiny, cramped chunk of London wasteland? Here’s how Fallout London‘s map size measures up to Fallout 4.

How Does Fallout London’s Map Compare To Fallout 4?

Fallout London’s map seems to be only slightly smaller than Fallout 4 but it’s even more tightly packed with locations. Fallout 4, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas had you roaming the wasteland, Fallout London’s open world is largely urban, and it absolutely works in its favour.

Sure, there were settlements to explore and even chunks of DC to see in Fallout 3, but it never quite felt like you were in a city. Here, the whole game takes place in a large area within central London and so you don’t have to wander too far to find something of interest. You can’t go into every building, and many are boarded up or blocked. But there’s still so much to see, do (and get murdered by).

Here’s Fallout London‘s map, or a rough stitched-together version of it. This shows every in-game location, unlabelled, so look away if you want to avoid spoilers. The Fallout London FAQ states that it features “..Westminster all the way to the rolling hills on the outskirts of Bromley.” It’ll take you around twenty minutes to cross the map from side to side, partly because there are more buildings in your way.

Fallout London absolutely sells that you’re exploring a post-apocalyptic London and you can see the work that’s gone into making the city feel real. Chances are, if you can see a location you can go there.

It’s also not broken into chunks, either, as was the case with Fallout 3’s Capital Wasteland. And while I’m not going to claim it’s 100% accurate, if you’ve visited London even once, you’ll pick up on Fallout London’s familiar vibe.

So, in comparison to Fallout 4, Fallout London’s map seems to be very slightly smaller, but it’s even more exciting to roam than the Commonwealth.

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