Erin Holland is burning up the red carpet – in a slinky dress. The singer hit the Sydney premiere of Argylle on Wednesday, dropping jaws in a tiny, sequined red Rebecca Vallance mini dress. “Dressed to kill,” she captioned an Instagram video of herself posing for photos. How does the 34-year-old approach health and wellness? Celebwell rounded up her top lfiestyle habits.

“I endeavour to always make good choices for myself, whether it be exercising daily, eating a balanced and healthy diet, and looking after my mental wellbeing. However, I am learning to be kind to myself when my life doesn’t allow for these routines – it’s OK to go a day or two without the gym if my schedule won’t allow!” Erin told WHO about how she approached health. “It’s all about balance, and being kind to yourself.”

Erin tries to keep her diet clean, filling her plate with wholesome food. A “healthy brekkie of poached eggs and avo and tomato on rye toast or a protein bar and coffee or green juice if I am on the run,” is on her morning menu. For lunch she might have a Poke Bowl with protein (salmon or chicken), Vietnamese rice paper rolls or a salad wrap. For dinner, “steak/chicken/fish with steamed veggies, a clean stirfry with brown rice,” are on her plate. “Snacks include Munch superfood snacks (they are so delish), salt & vinegar Vege chips or a cheeky bag of red frogs if I need a pick me up. (I am notorious for always having a sweet treat in my handbag – can’t shake that vice!)” she says.
“I try to work out every possible day I can. It’s as much for my mental health as it is my physical – particularly in a year like 2020. I train with superstar PT Ben Lucas on average twice a week,” Erin says about exercise.
She also sprinkles in “a mix of strength, barre, yoga and spin classes for the rest of the days,” she says. “This usually ends up being anywhere from 4-7 days a week, schedule dependent.”
“I love a good home workout now too, this year as taught me that I really can get up a good sweat anytime, anywhere, without any equipment!” says Erin. “I also find that incorporating it into my morning routine means that 99% of the time I will go. I’ve recognised I am definitely not an afternoon workout person, so getting up and going on auto-pilot first thing in my day is the best thing for me.”