Elizabeth Hurley is celebrating international dog day in her swimsuit. The supermodel shows off her fantastic figure in a bathing suit in a montage of photos and videos of herself and her canine pal. “More doggy love,” she captioned the Instagram post. How does the model and entrepreneur eat to stay in such great shape? Read on to see 5 of Elizabeth Hurley’s diet secrets and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don’t miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!
Elizabeth focuses on eating whole foods. “I haven’t eaten processed food for 100 years. I don’t eat sweets,” she revealed to The Sunday Times’ magazine Style. She also revealed why she can’t even eat peanut butter. “I have one spoon, then another, and I’ve emptied the jar before you know it,” she said. During the interview she ate avocado, feta, and poached eggs on toast.
Elizabeth eats as plant-based as possible. “I think one of the most transformative things that I’ve done is making 50 per cent of what I eat vegetable matter. If you have a slice of toast for breakfast, have an apple too. Counteract everything with vegetables,” she told Style.

You won’t find Hurley starving herself or going on any crash diets. She told The Daily Mail that “life’s too short to be on a super strict diet”.

Another one of Hurley’s food rules? “I have learnt to eat lighter and not so late,” she told Style. “I actually eat quite a lot,” she added to The Daily Mail. Another is to “never eat between meals.” “The first step is to plan your menu for the week. It doesn’t need to be elaborate, just jot down what you and your family would like to eat,” says Harvard Health. “Then think about ways to make your choices healthier. Substitute chicken breast for steak and add more vegetables, for example. Can you streamline your cooking? Consider cooking a large batch of grains on the weekend and using them in more than one meal.”

Elizabeth controls her caloric intake by eating mostly at home. “I’m at least 10 pounds heavier than I was 20 years ago but I don’t care,” Elizabeth confessed to The Daily Mail. “I probably eat a bit more now but I don’t eat takeaways and only drink sodas once in a blue moon.”