Diane Warren‘s heart goes out to President Joe Biden … saying she feels bad Hollywood’s turning on him — but, that doesn’t mean she thinks he’s going to take the L in November.
We caught up with the songwriter at her close friend Glen Ballard‘s Hollywood Walk of Fame Ceremony … and, since Diane’s big into politics, we asked her how she views the recent change in sentiment about Biden among celebs.
DW says she loves Joe, calling him a “kind and good man” … and, her heart just breaks to see him getting put through the wringer.
Warren won’t comment on whether Joe should step down … but, she says Hollywood’s support won’t make or break him — insisting L.A. and New York City aren’t the real world, and there are a ton of regular votes who will back JB.
As for her own preference … Diane says the current president has her vote — assuming he’s still on the ballot come November 5.

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George Clooney Asks President Biden to Drop Out, He Can’t Win in November
President Biden remaining on the ballot ain’t a sure thing anymore … numerous politicians and celebs have come out and suggested — or even straight-up asked — Biden to stand down for a more effective candidate.
BTW … Diane talks up her friend Ballard too — and reveals the hilarious joke she cracked when she heard he was getting a star.
So, not every celeb’s turning on Joe Biden …and, we’ll have to see if more celebs like Diane come out of the woodwork for 46.