Dave Franco Shows Off Card Throwing Skills On ‘Perfect Parfait’

actor Dave Franco on The Perfect Parfait

The Perfect Parfait

Actor Dave Franco, husband of the wickedly talented Alison Brie, was the inaugural guest on The Perfect Parfait. It’s a new interview show with iconic guests and this instance ‘iconic = guests we actually like and aren’t on the show just because they’re famous.’

Dave Franco‘s the man and has been for years. The Neighbors and Now You See Me franchises are some of the most enjoyable movies from that era so when this interview came across my desk I knew it was going to be great and it didn’t disappoint. Interestingly, they touch on Now You See Me and how he learned dangerously accurate card throwing skills for his role as Jack Wilder. He shows this skills off around the 8min mark below but fails at first with cue cards until someone hands him a proper deck and he’s deadly accurate.

Around the 12-minute mark, The Perfect Parfait host Hunter Cope asks Dave Franco why he doesn’t have social media. Furthermore, he asks Dave if he thinks he’s better than the rest of us because he doesn’t have it. I’ve personally tried to tag Dave Franco in BroBible posts in the past and it’s a legitimate pain that he’s not there to tag because I know it was content he would’ve enjoyed but alas, he doesn’t…

The reason Franco doesn’t have social media is “it comes from a place of fear, a little bit. Where no matter what there’s going to be at least a few people every single day that are throwing you some negative energy on there.” Dave added “I just didn’t want to invite that into my daily life. And I feel like I’ve done a good job in my life of surrounding myself with people who I love and trust and that feels better than opening up to the negativity.

Here is the full first episode of The Perfect Parfait with guest Dave Franco. There’s an additional clip below where Dave plays ‘F—, Marry, Kill: Skarsgard/Sarsgaard Edition’ that’s pretty great.

If you didn’t make it to the ‘FMK: Skarsgard/Sarsgaard Edition’ then don’t worry because that clip was shared on The Perfect Parfait‘s Instagram which you should smash that ‘follow’ button on:

And be sure to subscribe to their YouTube channel or hit The Perfect Parfait website for more!

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