Not too long ago, the showrunner of The Walking Dead‘s Negan and Maggie spinoff, Dead City, boldly promised to give fans the most “awesome, disgusting, terrifying walkers” they’ve ever seen in this franchise. Well, if you thought that the Walkers in the Daryl Dixon spinoff would somehow not be disgusting because everything is more glamorous in Paris, then you were sorely mistaken. Fashionable Walkers are gross, too.
I kid, kind-of. I mean, it’s all rotting flesh and reactivated brain chunks if you really think about these former humans, but let’s quickly refresh on this Norman Reedus-starring spinoff before we get to the new images released by AMC. Reedus already may have revealed a series title, but he definitely revealed that he wanted the show to be called Boom Boom. As well, we know that Daryl apparently washes ashore in France, and he has no idea how he got there. That’s a long-ass nap, but I hope we get more concrete details about this mysterious voyage.
As well, Reedus has gone on record to confirm that the show does at least spend some time in Paris because, as revealed by Comic Book, he promised, “We’re destroying the Louvre and stuff.” Deadline has reported that Reedus will be joined by co-stars Clémence Poésy (The Essex Serpent, In Bruges) and Adam Nagaitis (Chernobyl, The Terror), and Melissa McBride’s Carol is thought to be absent here, although Reedus previously cryptically questioned, “How do you know she’s not gonna come back?”
Now, let’s get to those images. Daryl rides on a horse? Not sure how I feel about that, given a few matters: (1) They couldn’t find him a Vespa, at least? (2) Look at what happened to Rick Grimes’ unfortunate horse in the early days.
Also, these Walkers do appear to be slightly better dressed than those found stateside, but again, still disgusting.

Daryl’s not looking happy! Get the dude a crossbow.