Cass Anderson / BroBible
It is hard to grapple with the current hype around the new Pokémon Prismatic Evolutions ETB releases. People are losing their straight up minds for these cards when the real ones (real ones = me) knew to pick up the Japanese Terastal Festival ex card releases back in December with similar fantastic Eeveelutions (pictured above) that people in Costco are now brawling over.
In the current Prismatic Evolutions there are 9 beautiful Eeveelutions which have been designated as ‘Featured Cards’ by Pokémon. People are losing their bananas over the Umbreon EX which is already selling for $499 on eBay with some listings of the card at $2,000.
These Prismatic Evolutions elite trainer boxes are flying off shelves. They’re sold out at every Target near me and all of the Pokémon card shops have a 1 box/household limit. Not even a 1 box/customer, it’s 1 box per household. So when these Prismatic Evolutions ETBs hit Costco people lost their dang minds and a brawl even broke out:
My brother in Christ, how are you going to go home after this and tell your wife that not only did you got banned from Costco and lost the family’s membership because you were fighting over Pokémon cards? I get as hyped as anyone about the Eeveelutions but seriously, take some deep breaths and look around before you lose your mind over this.
The caption on the video calls these people ‘scalpers’ which sadly, might be the case. There is a lot of chatter from Pokémon TCG players and collectors lately about how the game is moving out of reach due to scalpers driving up the price of everything.
For those unfamiliar with the current Pokémon TCG Prismatic Evolutions, here is a look at what’s out there:
That video came from Poké Ballers which operates my favorite local shop. They’re good dudes running the store and are taking measures to ensure that people who want the boxes aren’t getting priced out. These releases are priced fairly and it’s 1 ETB per household so every kid has a chance, the way it should be. I haven’t even bothered trying to buy a Prismatic Evolutions box because the hype is overwhelming despite my son really, really wanting one. People just need to chill.
On the flip side of all of this, I’ve been hearing the hit rates on the Prismatic Evolutions boxes are dismal. They are nothing compared to the similar art from the Japanese Terastal Festival releases back in December that I loaded up on for Christmas for my son.