Catriona Gray ‘traumatized’ after losing passport, belongings in London robbery 

Catriona Gray

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‘Robbed in the middle of London,’ says Catriona Gray

MANILA, Philippines – Catriona Gray’s trip to London took a traumatic turn after she fell victim to a robbery incident. 

The Miss Universe 2018 relayed the unfortunate incident through an Instagram story on Saturday, August 31, sharing a photo of a car with a broken rear window. She said that it happened while they stopped for lunch on the way to the airport. 

“Our passports and belongings — gone,” Catriona wrote. “Traumatized.”

As of writing, the beauty queen hasn’t provided any update yet regarding the incident.

However, Catriona has earlier posted on her Instagram page that she is vacationing in the United Kingdom with her family. 

“In the [United Kingdom] for a very special trip for my papa. [We’re road-tripping from London through Scotland and back,” she shared in an August 23 post.

In an August 30 post, Catriona shared photos from Fraserburgh in Scotland, saying that it’s her dad’s birth town.

“Although none of the original houses my dad lived in / was born in remain, we visited the streets themselves: Barrasgate Street and explored the town,” she wrote. –

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