Brynne and Mario respond to podcast backlash amid ‘Pretty Funny’ Spotify success

Brynne and Mario respond to podcast backlash amid ‘Pretty Funny’ Spotify success

TikTok couple Brynne and Mario have responded to backlash over the launch of their ‘Pretty Funny’ podcast as the show tops the Spotify charts.

In early March, TikTok couple Brynne and Mario revealed plans to launch their very own podcast called ‘Pretty Funny.’

It almost immediately sparked backlash across the app, with many saying they shouldn’t launch a podcast and others calling out the fact there is another show with the same name and an extremely similar introduction.

Now that the podcast has been officially released, Brynne and Mario have addressed the backlash in a video celebrating the first episode’s success.

Brynne and Mario address ‘Pretty Funny’ backlash

“Hey guys, we thought it was about time to acknowledge the elephant in the room because we’ve been avoiding addressing it,” Mario said. “As you may or may not know, we launched a podcast a few days ago, and we got a lot of unexpected backlash on that post.

“And we’re happy to report that we’re in the top 10. We ignored all the negativity because we knew it was what you guys wanted, and you’ve been asking for it for a long time. But, it did kind of scare us a little bit. We posted it, and here we are… we’re in the top 10. It’s only been a couple of days and we could not be more excited.”

Fans flocked to the comments to support the couple, with many sharing how they think Mario and Brynne have the perfect audience for a podcast.

“It’s true, not everybody should have a podcast, but you two literally ALREADY HAVE THE AUDIENCE for it,” one user said.

Another said: “‘nOt EvErYoNe NeEdS a PoDcAsT’ Ok, but like why are people hating on others for doing what they want? I haven’t checked it out yet, but I plan on it. You two are so wholesome.”

“Those comments shocked me. I love you guys together. You’re hilarious!” replied a third.

As of writing, Pretty Funny is the seventh most popular Comedy podcast on Spotify – coming just a few spots behind Ryan Trahan, Alex Cooper, Theo Von, and Joe Rogan. Comedian Amy Poehler leads the chart, as she took the spot from Joe Rogan after releasing just two episodes.

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