Britney Spears needs a lot of help right now — and the answer may lie in a new conservatorship and a ton of medication … so says Dr. Charles Sophy.
We got the famed Hollywood psychiatrist Monday on “TMZ Live,” where he offered up his professional opinion on Britney’s situation — this as she appears to be unraveling at the seams … with her finances in shambles as she continues to spend excessively.
Take a listen to what Dr. Sophy says he thinks Britney requires at this point … from his POV, he believes a second round of a court-ordered conservatorship might be what’s best.
He also says it appears to him Britney isn’t on her meds … and he says he’d force these drugs into her system whether she liked it or not, if she was under his care as a patient.
It might sound like a fiery hot take — but Sophy explains why he genuinely thinks this is the best route for her right now … because, in his opinion, she’s on a path toward self-destruction … and the time bomb is going to go off sooner than later, which may become messy.

Of course, hearing this might rile up the #FreeBritney crowd — who were out in force when she was released from her conservatorship a couple years back. And while the public might be anti-conservatorship … the good doctor here tells us a judge should look at what’s best for Britney, which he says is a legal apparatus around her to keep her behavior in check.
Sophy acknowledges that the conservatorship might’ve gone awry under her father Jamie‘s watch — but even on that front, we know Britney’s attorney ended up settling with Jamie … and got nothing in return. On the contrary, Britney had to pay millions to her dad.
Now that we’ve learned she’s blowing cash on a ton of vacations and other expenses … Dr. Sophy says it’s all but clear to him that she needs medical professionals to step in and medicate her, because he sees a person who’s out of control, with no end in sight.

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Dr. Sophy says that while Britney might’ve hated her old conservatorship … it was at least a stable presence in her life — and he doesn’t see that in her right now in her current state.