Blueface‘s life behind bars isn’t so bad — compared to most inmates — in fact, our sources say it could be a whole heck of a lot worse.
The embattled rapper’s back in L.A. County jail after violating his probation in a 2021 assault case, and law enforcement sources tell us he’s staying in the administrative segregation area — meaning he’s kept outta gen pop — and he’s got a cell all to himself where he’s getting his meals brought to him.

Blue can leave his cell for up to 7 hours a week to participate in education classes or religious services — assuming they’re being offered — or head to the rooftop yard to call his family or his lawyers.
There’s a TV in the shared unit he can watch, and access to the library. Showers are allowed every other day … unless he’s headed to court in which case he’s allowed to wash up on that day too.
Blueface will find some commissary options, too … including Texas beef and cajun chicken ramen, tuna, sliced pepperoni, hot & spicy pork cracklings, hot cheese crunchies, jalapeño peppers, hot tortilla chips and Club crackers.

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For dessert, he can choose from Oreos, blueberry and chocolate donuts, chocolate chip cookies or bear claws — and he can wash it all down with cocoa or coffee.
It’s a good thing the food options look tasty … cause Blue’s gonna be locked up for a bit. We broke the story — he’s stuck in prison until at least the summer after violating his probation for a 2021 assault.
We don’t know exactly what conditions he violated (his mom’s blaming his baby mamas), but there was a hearing last Friday, and now he’s in custody until July 2. He was supposed to do a full year, but for every day he serves in county, he’ll get credit for another.

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No one’s saying County lockup is summer camp, but it sounds like Blue has it easier than most on the inside.