© Chris Day/The Commercial Appeal / USA TODAY NETWORK/ © Bob DeChiara-Imagn Images
Are Smashing Pumpkins singer/frontman Billy Corgan and comedian Bill Burr brothers? This has been a topic of discussion for a long time but it really picked up in November when Corgan shared a story about how his own stepmother believed him to be half-brothers with Bill Burr.
The physical resemblances are uncanny. That is undeniable. If we were judging their relation based strictly on looks nobody would ever deny they’re brothers. But the story goes deep, and it started with Billy Corgan’s story about his stepmom and how his father was a traveling musician who fathered kids out of wedlock and how she thinks Bill Burr is one of his brothers.
Then came the drama where Howie Mandel had Bill Burr on his show and surprised him with Billy Corgan which led to the two talking about their upbringing. Burr also called out Corgan about blabbing on Howie Mandel’s show, saying “did you ever think the fact that I never told that story… that maybe you shouldn’t?”
Following their first time meeting each other, Billy Corgan launched his own podcast, The Magnificent Others with Billy Corgan, and while promoting the show he spoke with PEOPLE and shared how he’s being encouraged to pursue a DNA test to see if him and Bill Burr are really brothers.
Corgan told PEOPLE “a really good friend of mine said to me, looking around, ‘Okay, now tell me the truth.’ And I said, ‘I don’t think so. I don’t think we’re related.’ And then my friend said, ‘Well, I think you are,’” he recalls. “And I said, ‘Well, I guess it’s possible because he really does look like my father in a way that’s almost shocking to me.’ So then my friend goes, ‘Well then get a DNA test.’”
Billy Corgan went on to say that ‘not knowing’ if they are related has blossomed into an aspect of his life that he never expected. Saying “it’s taken on a life of its own. It’s sort of strange. It really started from honest things, which are, my father may have fathered 12 other children, and the facts of Bill’s life actually do match the story that I was told. There’s no invention there.”
Will they take the DNA test? Who knows. Probably not. That doesn’t seem like something Bill Burr would care about doing. But it’s certainly possible. There’s enough evidence that both parties want to know if they’re actually related.
In the meantime, here’s an episode of Billy Corgan’s new podcast for those who are interested:
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Content shared from brobible.com.