Beast Games employee almost died on set in accident he claims was “preventable”

Beast Games City

A Beast Games employee was gravely injured on set, with him requiring surgery to completely reconstruct his shoulder as well as some of his organs having to be removed in order to keep him alive. He claims unsafe conditions on the set are to blame for him getting hurt.

A freelancer working on the Beast Games set named Sam told his side of the story to Business Insider, claiming that the set being improperly marked resulted in him walking beneath a tower that was being disassembled by other crew members.

A section of the set fell on his shoulder, slicing it open and crushing him. This resulted in an 8 day hospital stay, several broken bones, damage to his lungs, his spleen having to be removed entirely, and his shoulder needing to be reconstructed.

While talking with Business Insider, Sam demanded compensation for the injury and blamed a lack of safety regulations on set for him being wounded.

Beast Games employee slams conditions on MrBeast’s set

Sam was located in the basement section of this multi-story tower, untangling wires on set when he walked into an area that was supposed to be cordoned off. This is where the story diverges.

Both Sam and an anonymous supervisor working on the set claim that there were no markings to indicate that there was construction happening above them on set, while another source that spoke with Business Insider claims that there was a marked path he should have walked on.

“I don’t remember seeing any pylons, a guarded-off area, or anyone telling us that they were moving walls,” Sam said, claiming that both he and the aforementioned supervisor walked that same path he had been injured on in the hours leading up to the incident.

“I saw it come down. I knew immediately this was really bad — this was one of those moments where things change,” said the supervisor recounting the moment his employee had been injured.

“Accidents on sets happen, but this one seemed preventable,” Sam told BI.

The Beast Games required several large structures to be constructed, with Beast City costing around $15 million according to MrBeast

As a result of the incident, the production was shut down for the day of September 11, 2024, with Canadian law enforcement going in to investigate the scene. This is corroborated by a report from the CBC. At the time of writing, the full investigation into how Sam got injured is still underway.

Sam also claimed that he was given $1000 worth of Uber and DoorDash gift cards in the wake of the accident when a producer visited him in the hospital, something he was disappointed by. Meanwhile, a Beast Games employee said that the employee explicitly asked for them and was offered other forms of compensation.

He was also compensated by Canada’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, but taking that payment makes it much harder for him to pursue compensation from Beast Games’ production company directly.

“I still can’t use my left arm like I was able to,” Sam explained to Business Insider. “At the moment, I can only lift maybe 2 pounds with it. I’m working with physio to hopefully get it back to normal. I lost my spleen, so I’m also immunocompromised.”

And, though Sam didn’t directly blame MrBeast for the incident, he called on the YouTuber to address it directly.

Though Beast Games has had its fair share of controversies, the show has also been a massive success, with MrBeast rallying to fund his next project already.

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