Javicia Leslie is channeling Lara Croft – in her one-piece jumpsuit. In a new social media post the Batwoman star flaunts her amazing figure in a tight workout look, while taking a selfie at the gym. “In my Tomb Raider bag 🥷,” she captioned the Instagram post. How does she approach diet, fitness, and self-care? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.

Javicia explained to Yahoo Life that writing is one of her self-care methods. “I have a daily routine where I tap into myself and see where I am,” she said. “I can be my own healer when needed. I wake up two hours early before work, and I start with free writing; I release anything that may be cluttering my brain.”

Next up, yoga. “I move into yoga which allows me to get breath throughout,” she told Yahoo Life. “Then I move into breathwork; I do Wim Hof breathwork. It helps with my anxiety and it helps put me at ease. It’s a natural way to alkaline-ize your own body. After that, I move into sound bowls. I also do a buffalo drum. Sound waves — for me, specifically) — help calm my nerves. From there, I feel strong enough to go into the day.”

She also uses breathwork techniques as “reset buttons” when she is stressed. “On set, I’ll do breath work. I’ll breathe in a few times, fill up my lungs and my chest, hold it for 15 seconds and release. That helps release the pressure my body builds up. I chant if I need to and I check in with my chakras to see what feels off balance. If my body is tight, it might be my root chakra,” she says, adding that she can often pinpoint the cause of the stress and work on fixing the ailments from there,” she said. “If there’s anxiety in my throat — which I felt when I was starting Batwoman; my throat was tight. I worked on [loosening it up] for a week to release the trauma and anxiety I was holding.”
Leslie likes hacking meals she loves and making them plant-based. “It’s meditative for me to cook,” she tells Yahho Life, “but I also love to go to restaurants and different places and steal the recipe and make it my own.” Her favorite? “I make these really crispy, spicy cauliflower tacos,” she says. “I’m (mostly) vegan and I like to take recipes where you’d use turkey or beef, and make the vegan version. My favorite thing is to bring diversity and fun to vegan dishes — so you don’t feel like you’re compromising anything. You don’t want to feel like all you can eat are roasted vegetables if you don’t eat meat!”
In her recent post, Javicia completes a strength training workout. She does weight lifting exercises, hip thrusts, squats, plie squats, and step ups. According to the Mayo Clinic, strength and weight training help reduce body fat, preserve and increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently. Strength training may also help you:
- Develop strong bones
- Manage your weight
- Enhance your quality of life
- Manage chronic conditions
- Sharpen your thinking skills