Annie Ilonzeh in Two-Piece Workout Gear Does “Cold Plunge”

Annie Ilonzeh in Two-Piece Workout Gear Does "Cold Plunge"

Annie Ilonzeh is an actress who always shines on screen. She is known for her roles in TV shows like General Hospital, Arrow, Switched At Birth, and Chicago Fire. Last month, she revealed on Instagram that she is doing cold plunges. She shared a reel of herself using a pod to do so. She captioned the post, “Building my cold plunge game.” How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Annie Ilonzeh stays in shape and the photos that prove they work.

As you can see from her Instagram post, Ilonzeh is incorporating cold plunges into her wellness routine. The Mayo Clinic states that cold plunges have a lot of benefits. “Research on cold-water immersion has found evidence that it helps reduce the degree of exercise-induced muscle damage that can occur after physically challenging activities. Less damage leads to less inflammation, which in turn reduces soreness and helps restore physical performance the next day.”

Ilonzeh isn’t afraid to speak out about issues that are important to her. In 2020, she attended a Black Lives Matter protest, and shared these photos on Instagram. Ilonzeh captioned the post, “Sunday: An estimated 20+k, all colors, fighting for change. ✊🏾👊🏿🤜🏾🤛🏼Every single person supporting the movement mattered and made a difference. Would love to hear how you’re spreading seeds fam.”

Ilonzeh enjoys going for hikes to keep herself in shape. She will hike in any type of weather. Ilonzeh shared these photos on Instagram of herself in Hawaii. In the first one, she’s seen on a trail. She captioned that post, “Celebrating Mother Nature 🤎💚💙 With my loves. Peep the volcano (Kilauea) erupting behind us, it was sooo spectacular.” Ilonzeh also shared this photo of herself hiking in the snow.

Ilonzeh likes to swim to stay in shape. She shared this video on Instagram of herself jumping into the water in Jamaica. Ilonzeh captioned the post, “I thought I was ready. Til I wasn’t. 👀

The moment I got to the edge and looked down, I wanted to turn around. It looks worse when you’re staring at it in the face. *insert deep quote here*

But, I knew I had to jump the 25ft into the water. There’s nooo way I’m walking back down, like a 👶🏽. So I jumped. FINALLY!”

Ilonzeh likes to play basketball to stay in shape. She shared these videos on Instagram of herself on the court. Ilonzeh captioned the post, “I opted out of the #metgala this year to bank half court shots. I kid I kid. I did make the first attempt tho. I kid I kid. #basketball used to be life for me. This is true. @claudiajordan and I were working out, I saw a 🏀 and it was a wrap.” She also shared this video, captioning it, “Second home.”

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